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Fuel surcharge

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Fuel surcharge


Fuel price variations have probably the biggest impact on the costs of logistics companies. Due to the constant dynamics of fuel prices, we are not able to determine base tariffs for transportation of freight and parcels. Seeking to protect our clients against frequent recalculations of prices, we apply a fuel surcharge.

Fuel surcharge is a tax that is added as an extra to the price of a service and may change (increase, decrease, or be cancelled altogether) depending on the change in fuel prices.


The updated methodology for calculating the fuel surcharge applies from 01.04.2022.

If the monthly average of the diesel fuel price isIf the monthly average of the diesel fuel price is
from… …to Fuel surcharge for freightFuel surcharge for parcels
1,158 €/1 ltr.1,187 €/1 ltr.0,00 %1,00 %
1,188 €/1 ltr.1,216 €/1 ltr.1,36 %2,00 %
1,217 €/1 ltr.1,245 €/1 ltr.2,23 %3,01 %
1,246 €/1 ltr.1,274 €/1 ltr.3,11 %4,01 %
1,275 €/1 ltr.1,303 €/1 ltr.3,98 %5,01 %
1,304 €/1 ltr.1,332 €/1 ltr.4,86 %6,01 %
1,333 €/1 ltr.1,361 €/1 ltr.5,73 %7,01 %
1,362 €/1 ltr.1,390 €/1 ltr.6,61 %8,01 %
1,391 €/1 ltr.1,419 €/1 ltr.7,48 %9,02 %
1,420 €/1 ltr.1,448 €/1 ltr.8,36 %10,02 %
1,449 €/1 ltr.1,477 €/1 ltr.9,23 %11,02 %
1,478 €/1 ltr.1,506 €/1 ltr.10,11 %12,02 %
1,507 €/1 ltr.1,535 €/1 ltr.10,98 %13,02 %
1,536 €/1 ltr.1,564 €/1 ltr.11,86 %14,02 %
1,565 €/1 ltr.1,593 €/1 ltr.12,73 %15,03 %
1,594 €/1 ltr.1,622 €/1 ltr.13,61 %16,03 %
1,623 €/1 ltr.1,651 €/1 ltr.14,48 %17,03 %
1,652 €/1 ltr. 1,680 €/1 ltr. 15,36 %18,03 %
1,681 €/1 ltr.1,709 €/1 ltr.16,23 %19,03 %
1,710 €/1 ltr.1,738 €/1 ltr.17,11 %20,03 %
1,739 €/1 ltr.1,767 €/1 ltr.17,98 %21,04 %
1,768 €/1 ltr.1,796 €/1 ltr.18,86 %22,04 %
1,797 €/1 ltr.1,825 €/1 ltr.19,73 %23,04 %
1,826 €/1 ltr.1,854 €/1 ltr.20,61 %24,04 %
1,855 €/1 ltr.1,883 €/1 ltr.21,48 %25,04 %
1,884 €/1 ltr.1,912 €/1 ltr.22,36 %26,04 %
1,913 €/1 ltr.1,941 €/1 ltr.23,23 %27,05 %
1,942 €/1 ltr.1,970 €/1 ltr.24,11 %28,05 %
1,971 €/1 ltr.1,999 €/1 ltr.24,98 %29,05 %
2,000 €/1 ltr.2,028 €/1 ltr.25,86 %30,05 %
2,029 €/1 ltr.2,057 €/1 ltr.26,73 %31,05%
2,058 €/1 ltr.2,086 €/1 ltr.27,61 %32,06%
2,087 €/1 ltr.2,115 €/1 ltr.28,48 %33,06%
2,116 €/1 ltr.2,144 €/1 ltr.29,36 %34,06%
2,145 €/1 ltr.2,173 €/1 ltr.30,23 %35,06%


PeriodAverage fuel priceFuel surcharge for freightFuel surcharge for parcels
January 20241,543 Eur/l11,86 %14,02 %
February 20241,562 Eur/l11,86 %14,02 %
March 20241,657 Eur/l15,36 %18,03 %
April 20241,635 Eur/l14,48 %17,03 %
May 20241,576 Eur/l12,73 %15,03 %
June 20241,502 Eur/l10,11 %12,02 %
July 20241,502 Eur/l10,11 %12,02 %
August 20241,541 Eur/l11,86 %14,02 %
September 20241,448 Eur/l8,36 %10.02 %
October 20241,393 Eur/l 7,48 %9,02 %
Itella Logistics UAB shall reserve the right to change the base amount of fuel surcharge and method of calculation thereof.